Matthew Horowitz has raised:



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$17,872 raised!

Team Big Mike

  • $38,552.53
  • Raised

    so far

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Anonymous donated $360

"Have a GREAT DAY"

Robin Budish donated $118
Adam Kirshenblatt donated $136
Anonymous donated $90
Jeffrey & Tamara Horowitz donated $100

"Beautiful way to honour your dad, so proud of all of you!"

Cindy E Nathan donated $180

"What a wonderful way to honour your wonderful father! Good luck with your ride! "

Amy Silver donated $180
Con-Frame Ltd donated $250
Emma H Silver donated $72
Cory Rosen donated $100
Rhonda Lewis donated $100
Anonymous donated $100
Ely And Jenn Nightingale donated $118
Aaron Harlang donated $1,000
Mark And Frances Altow donated $180
Anonymous donated $100
9315900 Canada donated $180
Joanne Roth And Paul Bellack donated $180

"What a special year to be doing the ride. We miss you Michael. #teambigmike"

Courtney And Steve Brown donated $100
Sheryl Goldlist donated $36
Adam And Elayne Kardash donated $180
Lori Goldenberg donated $180
Joel Seider donated $220
Brad Lester donated $360
Leah Pearlman donated $50

"In memory of your amazing father Michael. "

Dylan Vieira donated $100
Nicole Orlan donated $50
Tammy Rumanek donated $50
Susan & Andrew Cohen donated $250
Daniel Debow & Family donated $800

"To honour the memory of our cousin Michael. "

Janyce Lastman donated $136

"Matthew and Team Big Mike: hoping you continue your efforts as a tribute to your Dad for many years to come. His spirit, kind he"

Michele Friedlich donated $180

"Matt you are inspiring and in memory of your father I hope all the money you raise gets ALS closer to treatment. ????"

Evan Sinclair And Carly Benayon donated $180
Garry And Joanne Foster donated $1,000
Jeff Roebuck donated $100
Lisa J Rodin-gardner donated $100
Anonymous donated $500
Ethan Malkin donated $108
Michael And Melanie Belz donated $180
Victoria Copp donated $25
Gary & Maxie Bluestein Charitable Foundation donated $5,000
Sandy Galet donated $1,000

"With my love and prayers and admiration for the family and for Big MIke."

Harvey & Annice Frisch donated $1,000
Noah Cohen donated $250
Paula And Jeff Ashley donated $100

"Go Matt! So proud to honour our dear friend Mike. ❤️"

Jay Feldman donated $180
Zachary Fleisher donated $100
Ellen Schneidman donated $100

"Bravo Matthew An important cause in honour of a beautiful man!!! Ellen and Brian Schneidman "

Matthew Soper donated $25
Robin Gould-soil donated $100
Jamie Albert & Emmy Gnat donated $180
Oliver Hyman donated $118
Rebecca Erlich donated $50
Adam Hoffman donated $100
Gary & Maxie Bluestein Charitable Foundation donated $360
Tushar Gambhir donated $100
Mitchell Goldstein donated $500
Marni And David Morrow donated $180